Millet, Alberta


Get Certified in Bicycle Assembly, Repairs and Wheel Building

About CABS Certification

CABS is a respected bicycle mechanics training school in the bicycle industry. For this reason, there are many graduates from Central Alberta Bicycle School working in the field (in Alberta and Saskatchewan bicycle shops, and electric bike builders ). We are proud of our record, and continue to improve our facilities and curriculum.

Students earn certification when passing extensive testing both in practical demonstration and textual knowledge in the profession.

Students successfully completing the CABS Program with a passing grade receive a framed certificate from Central Alberta Bicycle School.  In Canada, there is currently no formal or industry-recognized trade certification process for bicycle mechanics.  Accordingly, the CABS certificate is a Certificate of Completion.

CABS issues two types of Certification

Professional Bicycle Mechanics Program provides graduating students with certificates:

  • Bicycle Assembly and Maintenance Certificate
  • Professional Wheel Building and Truing Certificate

CABS offers interested persons four opportunities per year to earn these certificates.

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